A little extra support to remain independent and in control
As we grow older, not everything quite works out how we would like it to. At such times we often appreciate a little extra help. Say hello to Sentai. You can get help to stay on top of daily tasks, reminders to take your medication or even daily wellbeing check ins.

How it works
Sentai is a smart conversational companion designed to support you with your day to day tasks, stay connected with your family and friends and monitor your wellbeing. It works through a smart speaker that can be set up in minutes. It learns through talking to you over time, offering totally natural conversation and adapts to your needs and preferences.
Peace of mind and reassurance
Those who support you can use the Sentai app to check on your wellbeing, and get notified if you need any help, giving you (and your loved ones) peace of mind.
Who we help
Sentai’s innovative solution is not only designed to enhance the quality of life for people in need of a little extra support, it is also designed to help families and informal carers share the workload and feel reassured that a loved one is doing ok. Care providers also get more visibility and insight on clients’ needs and can offer a more flexible approach to complement care services.
Sentai for you
Stay more connected to your friends and family, feel more independent and lessen the need to rely on others.
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Sentai for families & carers
Get more insight into your loved one’s day-to-day activities and wellbeing, and are able share the care workload with a wider circle of care.
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Sentai for care providers
Add Sentai to your services to help make more informed care decisions and improve your care experience.
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Sentai testimonials
Some of the people who have been using Sentai, and how it has transformed their lives.
Sentai user
Sentai user
Sentai user
West Yorkshire